EU 256: Why Are Successful Women in Their 40s Getting Divorced?

Helping women live more empowered lives

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Veronica is on a mission to help couples reignite the fire by providing them with the skills to have the relationship they deserve.

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no b.s. or bandaids

There are so many changes happening with your skin and your body. You’re dealing with mood swings and dare you even say it, some days you have hot flashes… But surely you’re too young for this right? This can’t be menopause, what the hell is going on?! Girl, this is perimenopause, and it is nothing […]

What You Need To Know About Perimenopause If You’re 35 or Older with Vanessa Ford | EU 74


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You’ve decided you going to try something new, you’re going to eat right and eat healthily and you’re going to embrace this new life! It’s summer after all and all you want to do is fit into that damn bikini. But then you have a donut or some ice cream and you declare a war […]

Carbs and Diets: How to Cut Through Diet Culture Without the Guilt with Dr. Cristina Castagnini | EU 73


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You’re looking at your kids and you’re attending yet another family event by yourself. You’re wondering why the hell you’re doing this because you’re basically already a single mom. You’re seeing to all of your kid’s needs so why do you put yourself in this constant cycle of deployments? The loneliness and the frustration have […]

Confessions of a Military Spouse and Tips to Help During Deployments | EU 72


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We all know that you cannot pour from an empty cup, it just is not possible for you to give what you do not have. So often when you do this, you end up with feelings of resentment and frustration. So in order for you to the best mother or even your best self in […]

My Health is my Responsibility: It Starts Here with Udo Erasmus | EU 71


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You’ve been with your husband for 5 years, you’ve got a great relationship, you communicate well and everything is great. You feel as if you can take on the world! Then you have a baby… All of a sudden there is sleep deprivation, and having to learn a million new things about raising a baby. […]

Tired & Stressed Mama, This Episode Is For You! With Catherine O’Brien | EU 70


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You’ve had a long morning and you’ve just lost it. You yelled again, and now you’re feeling bad, like the absolute worst mom in the world. Why does it always get to this point and how can you stop this behavior? How can you parent to the best of your own abilities? What does it […]

Stop Yelling and Bring Yourself Back to 1 with Meg & Amy | EU 69


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Are you guilty of spinning waaaay too many plates but not providing yourself with the opportunity to experience any form of joy in your life till you’ve checked all the boxes? I know what that feels like! Today I speak with Tracy LaLonde about how to tap into your true awareness so that you can […]

The Overachievers Guide To Finding Joy In Life with Tracy LaLonde | EU 68


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You may be feeling stuck in your past and struggling to create the future you want because you are still holding onto pain from the past. Have you ever stopped to think about what can happen in your life when you begin to focus on what you can control instead of trying to change what […]

The Unlucky Sperm: How to Take Responsibility For Your Life with Nelson Tressler | EU 67


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At age 5 Mia Hewett experienced her first traumatic event – which she blamed on herself. That day her life changed forever. It was when she realized that she couldn’t trust anyone (not even her father) and that the world was a really scary place. She vowed never to put herself in a position like […]

How To Live Unapologetically with Mia Hewett | EU 66


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In this guide, I'll share the simple strategies that help my clients go from feeling like roommates to reigniting their relationship and falling in love again.   

5 Things That Are Killing Your Marriage!

Better than Free Ice Cream!