
The Real Reason Why Wives are Sick, Tired and Overweight. What We Can Do About It with Dr. Stephen Cabral | EU 955 min read

December 13, 2021

Between the kids, school, household chores, and the to-do list do you find that you don’t even have 30 min for yourself in a day? Are you taking time to make yourself a healthy lunch and do you prioritize taking care of your health too? It is so important that we make time for ourselves, […]

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I am a licensed marriage and family therapist, marriage coach, course creator, retreat host, mother of 3, married for 23 years and host of the Empowered and Unapologetic podcast. 


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Between the kids, school, household chores, and the to-do list do you find that you don’t even have 30 min for yourself in a day? Are you taking time to make yourself a healthy lunch and do you prioritize taking care of your health too?

It is so important that we make time for ourselves, because if you don’t, resentment will build and you will start resenting the people that matter most to you, because you will feel as though your freedom is being compromised.

But…It starts with you! It’s important that you make time for yourself, that’s why I am so excited with today’s guest.

In this podcast episode, I talk to Dr. Stephen Cabral about the real reason why wives are sick, tired, and overweight, and what we can do about it.

Meet Dr. Stephen Cabral

Dr. Stephen Cabral, a Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy and founder of the EquiLife & the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute, and Author of the International Best-Selling Book, The Rain Barrel Effect.

After almost 20 years and over 600,000 pages of research study completed, dozens of certifications in the natural health field, over a quarter of a million private client sessions, and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy – Dr. Cabral‘s knowledge, experience, and passion are at the top of his field. Dr. Cabral also has his own podcast Called The Cabral Concept.

Visit his website. Connect on Instagram. Find him on Youtube. Listen to his podcast here. Get your free copy of his book, The Rain Barrel Effect. Empowered and Unapologetic listeners, click on this welcome page from Dr. Stephen Cabral.

In This Podcast


  • The power of blocked time
  • Have the conversations
  • Integrated wellness

The power of blocked time

As a foundation of overall wellbeing, you need to be taking time for yourself for at least 30-minutes a day.

Aim to take two blocks of 30-minutes a day for you. Use this time to meditate, work out, journal, read, or go for a walk. Use this time for you because it is meant for you.

If you are constantly working and living for other people in your life, you will inevitably feel resentful because it feels like your freedom is being impeded. However, your freedom is your responsibility.

Everything begins to change because now you realize you have a little bit more control over your life and that is really what you are looking for. (Dr. Stephen Cabral)

Have the conversations

Have conversations with your partner to see how you can both support one another to receive the care and love that you need.

If you need 30-minutes of quiet time, your partner could handle the kids for that period. If your partner enjoys exercise, then you can take them for that time. Help one another out.

Having those conversations are really important … “I’ll take care of me for you if you take care of you for me” … I don’t know exactly what my wife needs, but she does, so she needs to take care of her needs, and it’s my job to support her, and vice versa. (Dr. Stephen Cabral)

When your children are older, you can explain this to them as well, so that they understand how the dynamics work and begin to learn about boundaries and self-regulation.

Integrated wellness

There is a balance between emotional wellbeing and physical wellbeing. You need to care for your body, mind, relationships, and emotions to feel an integrated sense of overall wellness and health.

By working with modern medicine, and alternative medicine, and your own body, you can understand what your body needs at different times in the month, and how to care for your needs.

You can integrate your lifestyle with your wellness. If you are taking medication and trying to improve your health, you need to improve your baseline:

  • Move your body a little bit every day doing yoga, walking, exercise, dancing, swimming,
  • Eat nourishing foods,
  • Spend time away from screens and read books, paint, try new hobbies,
  • Be in the sun now and then,
  • Practice being in nature.

Not everything has to happen from one vitamin, or one mineral, or one modality of health. If you could just get a little benefit here … you don’t want to be perfect, you don’t need to be. If you’re 80% in all of those areas or most of those areas, that’s how you get the results you’re looking for. You don’t want to be perfect but if you’re pretty good, that’s going to be enough. (Dr. Stephen Cabral)

Have these be a part of your baseline of wellness when incorporating medication for you to receive the best benefits.

Books Mentioned:

Dr. Stephen Cabral – The Rain Barrel Effect: How a 6,000-Year-Old Answer Holds the Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Feeling Alive Again!

Useful links:

Meet Veronica Cisneros

Veronica Cisneros | Empowered And Unapologetic PodcastI’m a licensed therapist and women walk into my office every day stressed and disconnected. As a mom of three daughters, I want my girls to know who they are and feel confident about their future. I can’t think of a better way to help other women than by demonstrating an empowered and unapologetic life.

So I started  Empowered and Unapologetic to be a safe space for women to be vulnerable and change their lives for the better before she ever needs to see a therapist.

Whether you listen to the podcast, join the free Facebook communityjoin the VIP community, or attend our annual retreat,  you’re in the right place. Let’s do this together!

Thanks for listening!

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I’m Veronica, your new Boss MOM Mentor with no filter and no BS. 

I'm a licensed marriage and family therapist, women’s coach, course creator, and retreat host. Married for OVER 20 years, raising three girls, and the host of the Empowered and Unapologetic podcast. 

Enough about me… 

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Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Marriage Coach, Course Creator, Retreat Host, Mother of 3, Married for over 20 years.

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