Veronica is on a mission to help couples reignite the fire by providing them with the skills to have the relationship they deserve.
Does your partner have separate credit cards on the side? Do you need to have a financial check-in with one another? How can you communicate to both hear your partner and be heard yourself? Join me and my husband, Willie, in this podcast episode where we have a raw and open conversation about how to […]
Do you and your partner often argue when it comes to making big decisions? Do you both feel you need to fight to get your opinion heard? Have you ever stopped to think that you both could be stuck in a power struggle? In this podcast episode, I share a story from my past with […]
What does it mean to be a father and to raise three young daughters? What is some advice that daughters have to all fathers out there? What are some of the lessons that daughters can learn from their dads? Ever tried using the same parenting techniques on each child and it doesn’t work? Why you […]
Do you think that you are protecting your kids from not talking about school shootings? Are you struggling to admit to the reality? How can you nurture, prepare, and support yourself and your kids through these difficult times? It is so important that we listen to understand. If they feel a certain way, we need […]
“Why is it that men think that they’re able to come home and totally check out? How can I get my Husband to help more around the house? How can I get my Husband to communicate more?” Does this sound familiar? Is your husband “clocking out”? What is the story inside of your head that […]
If your kids had the same relationship as you and your partner currently have right now, to this very day, would you praise them, or would you pray for them? Let that sink in a little. Do you have a 5-year plan? If so, what does that look like, and how are you going to […]
You have the dogs, the car, the house, the kids, and the husband, but…are you happy? Are you truly living the life you want to live? Or is your life controlled by how you want others to see you? Are you feeling over-worked and under-appreciated? Do you ever just sit for a moment and self-reflect […]
You and your Husband have not been getting along, when you argue he has even threatened to leave a few times, or you might have even thought of leaving. But how…you rely on him financially. So you think about hiding money, you know, a “just in case fund”. Let me ask you Mama, do you […]
If you think back to your childhood, what did you learn from your mother? Do you notice that there may be cycles that you are trying to change for your kids and future generations? Do you express compassion towards yourself in the journey of being a mother? Ladies, I had the honor of having my […]