Veronica is on a mission to help couples reignite the fire by providing them with the skills to have the relationship they deserve.
Are you in your 40s? Can you hack your genetic blueprint to turn back the biological clock? What are some simple changes that you can do to dramatically improve your lifestyle and overall health? Ladies, I am so excited about today’s guest. We all need to turn back 10 years, right? Who better to tell […]
You have noticed your teen seems a little off lately, are you concerned? Is your teen showing signs of being irritable, sleeping a lot, and having trouble with school when they didn’t before? Do you fear that your well-intentional parental instincts be pushing your child away? In this podcast episode, I talk about 5 tips […]
Have you ever experienced something traumatic in your past? Do you have coping skills in place or do you have coping mechanisms that you want to change? How do you heal and release trauma? I am very excited to have Kelly Smyth-Dent on the podcast. On this podcast episode, Kelley and I talk all about […]
Do you limit yourself based on what people think of you or say to you? What is the life that you want to create for yourself? Do you believe that you are capable and that your dreams are possible? Ladies, I am very excited to have Colleen on the podcast. Colleen shares her stories with […]
You are at it again, he is reprimanding the kids and you want to step in and tell him the ‘right’ way to do it. You cringe each time he tries to discipline the kids and this just starts an argument. This has caused such tension in your relationship that you rarely make time for […]
In an argument, do you roll your eyes at your partner or their behavior? Do you or your partner stonewall? What do your arguments look like? Sound familiar Mama? In this podcast episode, I talk all about the 5 common mistakes couples make when they argue. Grab a pen and paper! In This Podcast Summary […]
Do your kids relate more to strangers on TikTok than they do to their in-person friends and family? What do your kids really need from you? Does your self-care routine bring about dopamine or serotonin? I am so very excited to have my good friend, Maureen Towns back on the Podcast with me. Maureen has […]
Do you know what happens to your policies or even the care of your kid’s should something happen to you? Will they be provided for? Will they have money for schooling and costs of living? Do you have a trust in place? What are the essentials of finding a great living trust attorney to work […]
Your partner is shouting at the kids again, he thinks it’s parenting, but it makes you cringe the way he talks to them. When he is done, you are left mending little hearts and picking up all the pieces. Why does he have to be so mean, why does he have to yell? Sound familiar […]