EU 256: Why Are Successful Women in Their 40s Getting Divorced?

Helping women live more empowered lives

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Veronica is on a mission to help couples reignite the fire by providing them with the skills to have the relationship they deserve.

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no b.s. or bandaids

How often in your marriage do you find yourself keeping score? Does it feel like you and your partner have lost your friendship? You are at the point in your marriage where you don’t even know what’s the use of trying…why even bother, right? Does it feel like you and your partner have forgotten the […]

Keeping Score – How to Work Through Resentment | EU111


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Do you often deal with resentment towards your partner? How can you relate with your partner instead of positioning them as the enemy? Are you listening to understand or listening to respond? Does your husband feel like he needs to be invited to play with the kids? In this podcast episode, I share a very […]

How to Stop Fighting with Your Husband | EU 110


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Ever had big dreams and goals, felt all motivated to start…and then life happens? You end up telling yourself, “There’s always Monday”? You sometimes feel like you have to be Superwoman because you feel like you have to do it all, which then just makes you feel tired and unmotivated to start. Are you struggling […]

Busy Moms: How to Build a Habit with Cara Harvey | EU 107


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Does it feel like year in and year out you are stuck in the same hamster wheel? Are you living your best life, with dreams and goals, or just going through the motions to get through another day? If I had to ask you…What does your 5 year plan look like, would you know how […]

How To Stop Making Excuses and Step into Action: Your 5 Year Plan | EU 106


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When you got married I am sure you did not sign up for celibacy, right? Do you find yourself having less sex than you want to? So here you are, in a marriage with no sex or intimacy and you are not sure how to get it back. Maybe one of the reasons could be […]

The 4 Mistakes Wives Make in the Bedroom and How To Fix It with Dr. Nazanin Moali | EU 105


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Move over ladies, this one is for the men. Fellas, do you struggle to get Valentine’s Day right? Do you know how to go about spoiling your wife the way she wants you to? Do you also know some of the things you need to avoid? In this podcast takeover episode, Willie Cisneros speaks about […]

A Husband’s Guide To Surviving Valentine’s Day | EU 104


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Mama, do you struggle to take time for yourself without the feeling of mom guilt taking over? Is your identity solely based on being a wife and a mother? How often do you head to the Mall to buy yourself something, plan a day out with the girls or go for a spa day? Not […]

Why Do I Feel Like I Need Permission To Have a Girl’s Trip? | EU 103


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Your Husband walks in and he is in a mood…again. He starts yelling at the kids, he starts yelling and complaining about all the things that have not been done, or even starts picking up things around the house and get grumpy for having to do so. And just like that, you feel as though […]

How to Deal with a Negative Husband: Tips from a Therapist | EU 102


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Mama, are you feeling unappreciated? Feeling disregarded in the marriage? Do you and your husband fight all the time and you feel as though there is no trust or respect for each other anymore? It’s time to set some boundaries, some non-negotiables. It’s also important to speak up when your boundaries are crossed. In this […]

How Can My Husband and I Regain The Values We Once Had for One Another | EU 101


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In this guide, I'll share the simple strategies that help my clients go from feeling like roommates to reigniting their relationship and falling in love again.   

5 Things That Are Killing Your Marriage!

Better than Free Ice Cream!