EU 237 : Behind the Mask: Suicide Awareness and Mental Health in High-Achieving Women

The hidden mental health battles that so many of us face behind closed doors.

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Welcome to the Empowered & Unapologetic Podcast

Veronica is on a mission to help couples reignite the fire by providing them with the skills to have the relationship they deserve.

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no b.s. or bandaids

Your Husband walks in and he is in a mood…again. He starts yelling at the kids, he starts yelling and complaining about all the things that have not been done, or even starts picking up things around the house and get grumpy for having to do so. And just like that, you feel as though […]

How to Deal with a Negative Husband: Tips from a Therapist | EU 102


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“It’s just a rough patch, time will heal this surely” …“If I don’t bring it up, we won’t fight about it”…Sound familiar? I see you Mama, that smile you once had on your face is slowly fading, you are exhausted trying to keep it together for your family. When you go out to friends, you […]

How Do I Know If My Marriage Needs Counseling or a Marriage Course? | EU 85


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In this guide, I'll share the simple strategies that help my clients go from feeling like roommates to reigniting their relationship and falling in love again.   

5 Things That Are Killing Your Marriage!

Better than Free Ice Cream!