EU 256: Why Are Successful Women in Their 40s Getting Divorced?

Helping women live more empowered lives

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Veronica is on a mission to help couples reignite the fire by providing them with the skills to have the relationship they deserve.

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no b.s. or bandaids

Stuck in a job that doesn’t bring you joy? Are you desperate for a change but excuses are always at the forefront of your mind because you are so afraid to get out of your comfort zone? How can making an active choice to lean into your insecurities and challenging your fears, be exactly the […]

I Hate My Job: 5 Steps To Help Gain Career Clarity with Tracy Timm | EU 54


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What benefits can you receive from tapping into your masculine energy? Do you have dreams of joining the corporate world? Can you draw from your ingrained skills to boost you in any career? In this podcast episode, I speak with Michele Ashby about how to get just about everything you want. Meet Michele Ashby Michele […]

How To Get Just About Everything You Want With Michele Ashby | EU 53


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What are you doing right now to position your husband as the enemy? How can you change this and be more accountable? Can you reframe and overcome these emotions with a simple mantra? In this podcast episode, I speak about how my insecurities and mindreading almost ruined my 21st-anniversary trip. In This Podcast Summary The […]

Insecurities & Mindreading: How This Almost Ruined Our 21st-Anniversary Trip | EU 52


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Mistake #5: Willie & Veronica Talk About How Couples Use Sex As a Weapon | EU 51

Have you or your partner ever had issues with using sex as bribery? How can you move past using sex as a means to get something and enjoying it again instead? What can you and your partner do to regain intimacy in your sex life after letting go of weaponizing it? In this podcast episode, […]

Marriage Mistake #5: Willie & Veronica Talk About How Couples Use Sex As a Weapon | EU 51


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What happens when someone in the relationship becomes “too comfortable”? How does tough love towards your partner actually encourage growth more than you trying to fix the problem? Can focusing on yourself inspire your partner to do the same? In this podcast episode, Veronica Cisneros speaks with her husband Willie about how to stop wrestling […]

Marriage Mistake #4: Willie & Veronica Talk About How to Stop Wrestling with Change in Your Marriage | EU 50


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What are the consequences to yourself and to your marriage when you constantly avoid conflict? How does avoiding conflict actually lead to a bigger explosion of emotions? What happens when you listen to understand, not to reply? In this podcast episode, Veronica Cisneros speaks with Sanjuana Saenz about avoiding conflict, why you need to stop […]

Marriage Mistake #3: “I Avoid Conflict”- How This Impacts your Marriage | EU 49


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How does your behavior impact your children’s self-perception? If you constantly put yourself last in every situation, what does that teach your children about how they should treat themselves? Can you benefit your relationships by placing a high value on yourself? In this podcast episode, Veronica Cisneros speaks with her girls about self-worth and the […]

Marriage Mistake #2: Veronica & Her Girls Talk about Self-Worth and The Consequences of Putting Yourself Last | EU 48


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How long is your to-do list? Do you schedule in your partner on your to-do list as a chore, or as an opportunity for connection? Are you avoiding talking about the difficult stuff? In this podcast episode, Veronica Cisneros speaks with her husband Willie about the 1st mistake to avoid for a healthy marriage and […]

The 5 Mistakes to Avoid for a Healthy Marriage: Mistake #1 | EU 47


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How can the answers to difficult questions guide you to where you need to work in your marriage? Can “fixing” your marriage also be done when things are going well? How is a marriage like climbing Mount Everest? In this podcast episode, Veronica Cisneros speaks with Dr. Peter Lynn and Tod Jacobs about what makes […]

Dr. Peter Lynn and Tod Jacobs: Marriage Experts, Educate us on What makes a good Marriage | EU 46


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In this guide, I'll share the simple strategies that help my clients go from feeling like roommates to reigniting their relationship and falling in love again.   

5 Things That Are Killing Your Marriage!

Better than Free Ice Cream!