
EU 244: Mastering Sleep: Holistic Strategies with Morgan Adams for Restful Nights and Empowered Days13 min read

October 22, 2024

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What if the very thing you thought was helping you sleep was actually sabotaging your health and happiness?

Welcome to another episode of the Empowered and Unapologetic podcast. I’m your host, Veronica Cisneros, LMFT. Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that affects every part of our lives but is often overlooked—sleep. Joining us is Morgan Adams, a holistic sleep coach who helps women transform their sleepless nights into restful, rejuvenating sleep experiences.

Morgan’s journey is inspiring. After struggling with insomnia and relying on prescription sleeping pills for nearly a decade, she found her way back to natural, healthy sleep. Today, she’s here to share her personal story, along with practical advice to help you reclaim your nights and improve your overall well-being.

From Insomnia to Empowerment

“I was having a really hard time falling asleep… I was done with this.” – Morgan Adams.

Morgan’s battle with insomnia began years ago when she started experiencing difficulty falling asleep—a condition known as sleep-onset insomnia. “It would sometimes take me two hours to fall asleep,” Morgan recalls. This struggle lasted for months, impacting her daily life to the point where she sought help from her doctor. She was prescribed Ambien, a popular sleep aid, and although it helped her fall asleep faster, it came with serious downsides.

“Ambien worked, but the next day I felt awful—brain fog, lack of focus, just trying to get through the day,” Morgan shares. As a pharmaceutical sales rep at the time, she didn’t think twice about using medication. However, over the years, the negative effects of the pills became too much to ignore.

The Turning Point

“I got called out with love… and that was the turning point for me.” – Morgan Adams

Morgan’s decision to leave sleeping pills behind came from a deeply personal moment. “My then-boyfriend, now husband, said that when I take those pills, I become like a zombie, and it freaks him out,” she says. His words hit her hard, and she knew it was time to make a change. Although Morgan does not recommend quitting medication without medical guidance, she chose to stop cold turkey.

For several years after that, Morgan managed to sleep decently, but her journey took another turn during the COVID-19 pandemic. As sleep problems resurfaced, she feared going back down the road of insomnia. That’s when she began researching natural solutions and tracking her sleep. “I was determined not to go back to my old habits,” she says. Her success in overcoming insomnia without medication inspired her to help others on the same journey.

From Survivor to Sleep Advocate

“Once I fell in love with sleep, all the stars aligned.” – Morgan Adams

Morgan’s passion for sleep isn’t just rooted in her personal struggles. She’s also a two-time breast cancer survivor, which shifted her focus toward holistic health and disease prevention. “Breast cancer was a turning point for me. I knew I wanted to help women with their health, but it wasn’t until I discovered the power of sleep that I found my true calling,” she explains.

In 2021, Morgan became certified as a holistic sleep coach. Since then, she’s been on a mission to help women struggling with insomnia and other sleep issues. “I found my purpose, and now I’m helping others optimize their sleep, and it’s been incredibly rewarding,” she says.

Debunking Sleep Myths

“Eight hours of sleep is a myth—we all have our own sleep sweet spot.” – Morgan Adams

One of the most common misconceptions Morgan encounters is the idea that everyone needs exactly eight hours of sleep. “The truth is, sleep needs vary. Some people do great on seven hours, while others might need nine. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach,” she says.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends between seven and nine hours of sleep for adults aged 18 to 64, but Morgan explains that the “right” amount of sleep is personal. “Just like we don’t all eat the same number of calories, we don’t all need the same number of hours of sleep,” she adds.

Instead of fixating on a specific number, Morgan suggests focusing on sleep quality. “It’s not just about how many hours you sleep; it’s also about how much deep and REM sleep you’re getting, and how efficient your sleep is,” she explains.

Finding Your Sleep Rhythm

“Listen to your body—your sleep needs are unique to you.” – Morgan Adams

Morgan recommends conducting a simple experiment to discover your natural sleep rhythm. “Take a week, go to bed when you’re naturally tired, and wake up without an alarm,” she advises. By averaging the last few nights of sleep, you can get a better idea of your body’s natural sleep needs.

It’s important to remember that quality is just as important as quantity. Sleep efficiency—how much time you actually spend sleeping while in bed—matters just as much as total hours. “Focusing on the quality of your sleep can make all the difference,” Morgan emphasizes.

Overcoming Sleep Struggles

“Sleep isn’t just something we do—it’s a critical part of our overall well-being.” – Morgan Adams

Morgan’s journey highlights the importance of a holistic approach to sleep. Whether you’re battling insomnia or just looking to improve your sleep habits, Morgan believes in listening to your body and taking small steps toward better rest.

Sleep is a powerful tool for transformation, both mentally and physically. “It’s not just about getting through the night—it’s about waking up refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the day,” she says. By implementing some of the strategies Morgan shares—such as prioritizing quality over quantity and finding your sleep sweet spot—you can improve your sleep and, in turn, improve your life.

“Sleep is not a luxury—it’s a necessity.” – Morgan Adams

Sleep Data Isn’t Everything

Like many of you, I’ve been tracking my sleep data, thinking that knowing the numbers will solve the issue. My recent sleep stats showed I spent over 8 hours in bed but only got around 6 hours of actual sleep. Even though my REM sleep seemed decent, I wondered if it was enough. Morgan’s insight was eye-opening:

“At the end of the day, it’s not about perfect numbers. The real question is, do you feel refreshed? Are you able to get through your day without crashing?” – Morgan Adams.

While sleep trackers can be helpful, they’re not infallible. Morgan shared how her own tracker sometimes misreads her relaxation time on the couch as sleep, which can throw off the results. Instead of obsessing over numbers, we should trust how our body feels each morning. Are we constantly craving sweets and carbs due to a lack of sleep? Or are we able to go about our day with energy? These are the real indicators of whether we’re getting enough rest.

Mindfulness Snacks for a Restful Night

One of the main complaints I hear from women, especially busy professionals, is the inability to turn off their minds at bedtime. It’s a cycle—lying in bed, replaying tasks that weren’t completed, worrying about work or relationships, and waking up still thinking about those problems. I asked Morgan for advice on breaking this pattern. She introduced a simple yet powerful strategy called “Mindfulness Snacks.”

“Think of mindfulness snacks as little mental breaks throughout the day. They’re like exercise for your mind, but without the intensity,” she explained.

The concept is to take three 10-minute breaks throughout your day. During this time, you’re not taking in new information—no scrolling through social media, no emails, no multitasking. Instead, you sit in silence, take a walk, or meditate. This allows your brain to process the thoughts and feelings you’ve been pushing aside, so they don’t surface at bedtime like unwanted guests.

Practical Tip: Constructive Worrying

For those of us whose minds race the second our head hits the pillow, Morgan recommended another tool from cognitive behavioral therapy called the “Constructive Worry Exercise.” This exercise is all about offloading your worries beforebed, so they don’t hijack your sleep.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle.
  2. On the left side, list all the problems and worries on your mind.
  3. On the right side, jot down the next step you can take to address each issue. It doesn’t need to be a full solution—sometimes just acknowledging the next step can calm your mind.

By doing this exercise in the evening, you teach your brain that you’ve already spent time worrying about these problems, and there’s no need to revisit them in the middle of the night. As Morgan wisely put it:

“There’s nothing you can solve at 2 or 3 AM. By acknowledging that, you give yourself permission to let go until the morning.” – Morgan Adams

The Hunger Hormone Connection

Another surprising piece of advice was about how sleep affects hunger. Morgan shared that poor sleep impacts the body’s hunger hormones—ghrelin, which increases hunger, and leptin, which signals fullness.

“When we don’t get enough sleep, our ghrelin levels spike, and our leptin drops. That’s why, after a bad night of sleep, we reach for cookies and ice cream instead of salads,” Morgan explained.

This connection between sleep and hunger is one more reason to prioritize quality rest, as insufficient sleep not only affects our mental state but also makes it harder to make healthy food choices.

Final Thoughts: Sleep Is Within Reach

For many of us, achieving restful sleep feels like a distant dream. But by focusing less on numbers and more on how we feel, we can start to make real progress. Whether it’s taking “mindfulness snacks” throughout the day, practicing constructive worrying, or being mindful of how poor sleep impacts our hunger, small changes can lead to big results.

Remember, restful sleep isn’t about perfection—it’s about finding what works for you and allowing yourself the space to truly unwind. Let’s prioritize our sleep so we can show up as our best selves each day.

Speak to a Therapist

Our team at Outside the Norm Counseling understands the unique struggles women experience and provides compassionate, tailored care to guide you through difficult times. Don’t face these challenges alone—reach out to us at Outside the Norm Counseling and take the first step toward feeling empowered and supported in your journey. For more information, go to Outside the Norm Counseling or call us at 951-395-3288.

Meet Morgan Adams

Morgan Adams: Her Story—How She Overcame a Decade-Long Sleeping Pill Dependence and Reclaimed Her Sleep (and Health)

Morgan Adams found herself in the throes of sleepless nights in her mid-thirties after an unexpected crisis turned her world upside down. As a pharmaceutical sales rep, she couldn’t afford to be sleep-deprived, and the demands of her job left her desperate for rest. A physician-prescribed sleeping pill seemed like the perfect solution. In the pharmaceutical world, it wasn’t hard for her to get access to medication.

However, what Morgan didn’t know was that these sleeping pills weren’t helping her achieve restorative sleep. While they sedated her, they didn’t provide the rest her body and mind needed to recover. She often woke up groggy, disoriented, and found evidence of late-night snacking sessions she didn’t even remember. She was barely making it through her days, and it became clear that relying on these pills was doing more harm than good.

Despite the challenges, Morgan embarked on a journey to reclaim her sleep—and her health.

Morgan’s Approach

Now, as a double-certified holistic sleep coach, Morgan is on a mission to help women reclaim their rest. She offers personalized coaching that gets to the root of sleep issues, addressing each client’s unique needs with customized action plans. Her approach includes:

  • Unlimited messaging and support
  • Tailored strategies to fit individual lifestyles
  • Discounts on carefully vetted products to promote better sleep

Helping Women Overcome Sleep Struggles

Morgan knows firsthand how debilitating sleep issues can be, and she’s committed to guiding women through their own challenges. With over 1 in 4 women struggling with insomnia, she’s become a “Sleep Soulmate” for those seeking a healthier, more restful life.

Morgan’s mission is clear: lead women to the land of better, bountiful sleep because good sleep is the cornerstone of whole-body health.


Morgan Adams Wellness Website

Morgan Adams Instagram

Morgan Adams Facebook


If you’re feeling stuck and ready to explore these challenges more deeply, consider reaching out for professional help. Here at Outside the Norm Counseling, we’re here to support you on your journey to self-discovery and confidence. For more information, go to Outside the Norm Counselingor call us at 951-395-3288.

Thank you for joining me today. Remember, you are beautiful, you are worthy and empowered. Until next time, stay unapologetically you. Bye for now.

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Meet Veronica Cisneros

As a leading authority in women’s empowerment and a fierce advocate for building strong networks, Veronica is your go-to guru for turning fears into victories, struggles into strengths, and doubts into boundless opportunities.
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for 10 plus years; empowering high-achieving women in business to conquer both professional heights and personal fulfillment. She doesn’t do bandaids!
Veronica has a unique approach to overcoming obstacles and smashing through the glass ceilings that loom over ambitious women. With her arsenal of practical tools, actionable strategies, and unwavering support, Veronica doesn’t just help women succeed in their careers – she helps them thrive in every facet of their lives.

But Veronica’s expertise isn’t just theoretical – it’s personal. With over 24 years of marriage, three daughters, and a soaring career, Veronica embodies the resilience and determination needed to navigate life’s challenges. As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Group Private Practice Owner, of Outside The Norm Counseling, Marriage Coach, and the voice behind the Empowered and Unapologetic podcast, Veronica effortlessly guides women to challenge themselves beyond their comfort zones.

Veronica is more than an expert – she’s a partner in transformation, turning mundane relationships into true connections. With her relatable charm and infectious humor, Veronica illuminates the path for women who refuse to settle for anything less than success in both business and relationships. Through practical tips, heartfelt anecdotes, and her trademark wit, Veronica empowers every woman to cultivate unbreakable bonds without sacrificing their ambitions.

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I’m Veronica, your new Boss MOM Mentor with no filter and no BS. 

I'm a licensed marriage and family therapist, women’s coach, course creator, and retreat host. Married for OVER 20 years, raising three girls, and the host of the Empowered and Unapologetic podcast. 

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