Veronica is on a mission to help couples reignite the fire by providing them with the skills to have the relationship they deserve.
What survives after the love and attraction shifts in a long-term relationship? How do you work on the friendship that you have with your partner? Do you want to deepen the connection that you have with your partner? Listen up Mama, grab your partner and listen to this episode together. I am so excited for […]
Have you ever been in a situation with family where you felt you were being treated in a way that made you sad or hurt and you wanted to speak up, instead, you kept quiet and let them treat you the way they want? Let me ask you…Do you struggle with setting boundaries with your […]
The buzzer goes off, you wake up, start your day and here you are again, finding yourself simply going through the motions. Day in and day out, the same thing, not even connecting with the tasks at hand. You’re on autopilot…Right? Mama, how often do you make yourself a priority? You feel unhappy most days […]