Veronica is on a mission to help couples reignite the fire by providing them with the skills to have the relationship they deserve.
How can you find the spark and both be motivated to build a loving and fulfilling marriage
You are at it again, he is reprimanding the kids and you want to step in and tell him the ‘right’ way to do it. You cringe each time he tries to discipline the kids and this just starts an argument. This has caused such tension in your relationship that you rarely make time for […]
“Why is it that men think that they’re able to come home and totally check out? How can I get my Husband to help more around the house? How can I get my Husband to communicate more?” Does this sound familiar? Is your husband “clocking out”? What is the story inside of your head that […]
What are some of the best memories you have with your partner? When did you start dating and what activity do you remember fondly? It is so important for your relationship that you remember the friendship, and often with everyday stress, we tend to lose that. Hey hey…It’s my Birthday!! In this podcast episode, Willie […]
Do you often deal with resentment towards your partner? How can you relate with your partner instead of positioning them as the enemy? Are you listening to understand or listening to respond? Does your husband feel like he needs to be invited to play with the kids? In this podcast episode, I share a very […]
You’re at the Mall to pick up a few things, and you realize, it’s been months, if not years since you have bought yourself something nice. Then it dawns on you that, you are always worrying about everyone else needs and wants but your own. Do you build up love for yourself from within yourself, […]
Do you struggle juggling home tasks with your partner? How can you navigate the tense conversation between who needs to pick up the slack? Would you want the same kind of marriage you have for your kids? In this repurposed podcast episode, I speak with Billy and Brandy Eldridge about why one person is stuck […]
Have you or your partner ever had issues with using sex as bribery? How can you move past using sex as a means to get something and enjoying it again instead? What can you and your partner do to regain intimacy in your sex life after letting go of weaponizing it? In this podcast episode, […]
What happens in the lead up to the divorce? How does your divorce impact the other people in your life? What other changes do you have to make in your life when you leave? In part 2 of this podcast episode, Veronica Cisneros continues her conversation with Dr. Penelope Underwood about divorce, this time discussing […]